आफ्नै भनाइ

नेपालमा लिच्छविकालीन समयमा बनेका भव्य दरवारहरुको निर्माण कार्य मौलाउनुका साथै अांशिक रुपले मल्लकालमा आएर दरबारिया वास्तुकला र मठ मन्दिरका काष्ठ, प्रस्तरकला मौलिक रुपले मौलाएको देख्न पाइन्छ । पछि राणा र शाहकालीन समयमा दरवार र ठुला ठुला होटल, रेस्टोरेण्ट एंव भवनहरु लगायत व्यापारिक प्रतिष्ठान तथा शोरुमहरुमा पाश्चात्य आन्तरिक सज्जा र श्रृङ्गारले आधुनिक शीप, प्रविधि र सामग्रीको यथेष्ट प्रयोग भएको पाइन्छ ।
हाल नेपालमा इन्टेरियर डिजाइनको विधिवत् विदेशबाट अध्ययन गरेर आउने प्रचलन तीन–चार दशक देखि मात्र थालनी भएको हो भन्न सकिन्छ । करिब दुई दशक देखि नेपालमै स्थापित शिक्षण÷प्रशिक्षण संस्थाहरुबाट पनि यथेष्ट मात्रामा स्तरीय जनशक्ति उत्पादन भइरहेका छन् । तर, आपसी अन्तर सम्बन्ध, कार्यगत एकता र समन्वय तथा संस्थागत ऐक्यबद्धताको अभाव तथा अपेक्षाकृत प्रचार–प्रसार हुन नसक्दा बाहिरी तथा अन्य विधा र क्षेत्रका व्यक्तिहरुले यसको भरमग्दूर फाइदा उठाइ रहेका छन् । यो हाम्रो र साथै सरोकारवाला सबै निकायको कमी कमजोरी नै हो भन्न सकिन्छ ।
यिनै विषयवस्तु र परिस्थिति उपर मध्येनजर गरेर केही अग्रज तथा जुझारु डिजाइनरहरुले पेशागत हकहित, आपसी सौहार्दता र व्यावसायिक समझदारी बढाउने उद्देश्यले २०५६ साल देखि नै संगठित हुन प्रयास गरे अनुसार एउटा राष्ट्रिय स्वरुपको संस्या गठन गर्ने सन्दर्भमा २०६० भाद्र २० गते तदर्य समिति तथा २०६० साल मंसिर १ गते जि.प्र.का ललितपुरमा दर्ता गरिएको थियो ।
२०७६ जेठ १८ मा नवगठित कार्यसमितिको सक्रियतामा यस संधले हाल छरिएर रहेका समस्त इन्टेरिएर डिजाइनरहरुलाई सदस्यता अभिवृद्धि गर्ने अभियान मार्फत सकेसम्म सबैलाई समेटेर अघि बढ्ने रणनीति बनाएको छ । हाल नेपालमा २५०० देखि ३००० जति इन्टेरिएर डिजाइनर्सहरु प्रशिक्षित भएर स्वंतन्त्र रुपले कार्यरत रहेको अनुमान गरिन्छ । करिब २०० जतिले एसोसिएशनको सदस्यता लिइसकेका छन् । हालै यस संस्थाले ब्कष्ब एभअषष्अ क्उबअभ म्भकष्नलभच बककयअष्बतष्यल ९ब्एक्म्ब्० को सदस्यता पनि लिएको छ । उक्त संस्थाको कार्यकारी सदस्य समेत बनेकोले क्ष्म्भ्ब् ल्भउब ि को गरिमा समेत अभिबृद्धि भएको छ ।
न्युनतम् लागतमा बृहत् र योजनाबद्ध रुपले घर–परिशर तथा कोठाहरको अन्तरिक सौन्दर्य समेत झल्कने गरी संयोजन गर्नुका साथै यस कार्यमा आवश्यक पर्ने समस्त सरसामानहरुको समूचित मूल्य, दिगोपना, समय सापेक्ष सर–सामानहरुको छनौट, रंग रोगनहरुको चयन, फर्निचर तथा फर्निसिङ्गका सामग्रीहको संयोजन आदि सके सम्म राम्रो, टिकाऊ, सुलभ मूल्य र साथै सुहाउँदो समेत हुनु पर्ने भएकाले बजारमा पाइने उत्कृष्टतम् सरसामानहरुको प्रवद्र्धनात्मक कार्यमा समेत इन्टेरिएर डिजाइनरहरुले सक्रिय भूमिका निर्वाह गरिआएका छन् ।
पेशागत हकहित तथा अधिकार एंव सरोकारवाला निकाय समक्ष सम्मानजनक जीवनयापनका लागि अग्रसर हुन पहल पैरवी गरिन्दै छ । वास्तवमा यो संघ हामी सबैको सर्वोच्च छाता संगठन पनि हो । यस संस्थाले सहयोगी, सम्बद्र्धक र संरक्षक हुनुका साथै समय सापेक्ष कार्यसम्पालन गर्न ज्ञान र शीपलाई अनुभव मार्फत जानकारी दिलाउन, विशेष अध्ययन, सन्दर्भ पुस्तकालय, विषय विद्हरुको प्रवचन गोष्ठी सेमिनार एंव अन्तरक्रियात्मक कार्यक्रम गर्नुकासाथै सामग्री तथा प्रविधिहरुको प्रदर्शनी लगायत देश तथा विदेशमा पेशागत व्यावसायिक भ्रमणको व्यवस्था गर्नुका साथै वर्तमान परिपे्रक्ष्यमा यस पेशासित आवद्ध व्यक्तिहरुको देशमा आफ्नो छुट्टै पहिचान बनाउन समस्त सरकारी तथा सरोकारवाला संघसंस्था तथा निकायहरुसंग पहल गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता समेत जनाउँदछ ।
सीमित साधन स्रोतका बावजुद यसले आफ्नो सुकुमबासीपनलाई परित्याग गरेर स्थायित्व प्रति अग्रसर हुन ललितपुरको पुल्चोकमा एउटा स्थायी सम्पर्क कार्यालय खोल्न पाउनु पनि हाम्रो अहोभाग्य हो । यस पुनित कार्यमा समस्त सरोकारवाला निकायहरुको साथसहयोगबाट उत्कृष्टतम् सहकार्य गर्न सकिने छ भन्ने कुरामा हामी विश्वस्त पनि छौं ।


“Interior Design मा सहकार्य”

“सहकार्य” ले  जहिले  पनि  एक  खाले  synergic effect ल्याउछ।    ठुलो  कामलाई  result दिन  अथवा  कुनै   कामलाई  छिटो  र  सजिलै  पूरा  गर्न  दुइ  वा  बढी  पक्ष   बीच  सहकार्य  गरिन्छ ।  सहकार्य  सबै  खालको  समाज  र  व्यवसायिक  क्षेत्रमा  चलि  आएको  Practice हो ।

“सहकार्य”   Interior Design को क्षेत्रमा   पनि धेरै उपयोगी Tool हुनसक्छ । Collaboration & Cooperation – For Interior Designers, Among the Interior Designer.   Interior Designer बीच हरु एक आपसमा सहयोग र परस्पर साझेदारीले व्यवसायिक सफलतासंगसगै interior design sector sf] विकास हुन् सक्ने सम्भावना छ।

Interior design को  क्षेत्र  धेरै  फराकिलो  छ । Interior Design लाइ  व्यवसायिक  रुपमा  हेर्दा  यसका  तीन  चरणहरु   छन्  – 1. CONCEPT FORMATION 2. DESIGN & DRAWING 3. PRESENTATION.

आजको  Interior  Design  Profession मा दुइ वटा मुख्य Factors  रहेका छन्  –  CREATIVITY र TECHNOLOGY.

PROFESSIONAL वा COMMERCIAL रुपमा IDEAL DESIGN PROCESS को कुरा गर्दा चार वटा FUNCTION रहन्छन – 1. Develop Design 2. Customer Relationship / Salesmanship 3. Research & Market Survey 4. Service Delivery

यी  बाहेक  पनि  अरु  थुप्रै  कार्यहरु  जस्तै  “Documentation” “Product Material Selection” र  “Work Execution” आदि  “Interior Design” मा  आउदछन् ।

उल्लेखित सबै क्रियाकलाप र प्रक्रियाहरुको लागि QUALIFIED, KNOWLEGDE BASE र EXPERT DESGIN RESORUCES हरु चाहिन्छन । फरक फरक PROJECT, फरक फरक WORK AREA को लागि फरक फरक REQUIREMENT हुन् सक्छ । Designer हरु परस्पर मिलेर आ आफ्नो expertise बाडेर काम गर्दा प्रभावकारी OUTPUT आउदछ । DESIGN SECTOR मा सहकार्यले यस्ता आवस्यकतालाई सम्बोधन गर्दछ, समाधान गर्दछ ।  व्यवसायिक INTERIOR DESIGN को कुरा गर्दा INTERIOR DESIGN पनि एउटा BUSINESS नै हो र यसमा पनि अन्य BUSINESS मा जस्तै विभिन्न RESOURCES को आवश्यकता रहन्छ। उदाहरणको लागि CAPITAL ( INVESTMENT), MANPOWER, MANAGEMENT, INFRASTRUCTURE, TECHNOLOGY  आदि । सहकार्यले Idea sharing का साथसाथै RESORUCES ACQUISTION र MOBILIZATION तथा INFRASTRUCTURE, TECHNOLOGY आदि मा INVESTMENT, EFFICIENT र EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT मा पनि सहयोग पुर्याउदछ ।

आर्थिक र बिकासका बढ्दो गतिबिधि संगसंगै र जनमानसमा INTERIOR DESIGN सम्बन्धि चेतना अभिवृद्धिले बर्तमान समयमा नेपालमा INTERIOR DESIGN को माग बढ्दो छ र यो क्षेत्रमा प्रसस्त र प्रचुर OPPURTUNITIES छन् । यो अवसर संगै धेरै खालका चुनौतीहरु पनि छन् । जस्तै : दक्ष जनशक्ति, छिटो छिटो परिवर्तन हुने प्रबिधि, कडा प्रतिस्पर्धा, ग्राहक / जनमानसको उच्च्च आकान्च्छा (high expectation), ठुलो पुजीको आवश्यकता, अन्य administrative, financial   र management कठिनाइहरु आदि। Interior Designer हरुले एक आपसमा सहकार्य गरेर यी चुनौतीहरुलाई सम्बोधन गर्न र बजारको अवसरलाइ उपयोग गर्न सकिन्छ । सहकार्यले चुनौती सामना गर्ने, COMBINED EFFECT ल्याउने, Responsibilities बाड्ने मात्र हैन, व्यवसायमा निहित जोखिमलाइ पनि कम गर्ने र बाड्ने गर्दछ । यस्तो सहकार्यले व्यवसायिक मुनाफा बढ्ने मात्र होइन, Design को गुणस्तर (Quality) पनि अभिवृद्धि हुन्छ। अन्तत: यसले INTERIOR DESIGN को प्रतिष्ठा अभिवृद्धि पनि गर्दछ ।

त्यसैले सहकार्यको यो अवधारणालाइ Designer हरुले आत्मसात गर्न सके अन्तत: यसले INTERIOR DESIGN को प्रतिष्ठा अभिवृद्धि पनि गर्दछ । 1. Work together 2 cooperate each other 3. Collaborate 4. Joint 5. Venture 6. Consortium को माध्यमबाट सहकार्य गर्न सकिन्छ। IDEA Nepal नेपालका Interior Designers को एकमात्र छाता संगठन भएको हुनाले यो संस्था सहकार्यको platform हुन सक्दछ।   हालका दिनमा IDEA Nepal अन्तरास्ट्रिय संस्था संग आबद्ध समन्वय गरिरहेको सन्दर्भमा यस्तो सहकार्य नेपाल भित्र मात्र सिमीत नरही बिदेशी Designer संस्थाहरुसंग समेत गर्न सकिन्छ यसले देश नेपाली Design को प्रतिष्ठा बढाउछ नै संगसंगै Designer को exposure पनि अभिवृद्धि पनि गर्दछ ।

Design sector र Designer को प्रगति र उत्थानको निम्ति यो सहकार्य सम्बधि अवधारणा बिस्तृत र बिश्लेशानात्मक छलफल र अध्ययन गरि प्रयोग गर्नु उपयुक्त हुनेछ।


Wellness is the most important aspect for our existence. Well-designed interior space is to promote wellbeing for the user. Though the professional interior designing is just over 100 years old, while decorating and amplifying the interiors were practiced since the ancient Egyptians, which was further advanced during the roman and Greek civilization. Today our interior designing practice is evolving with the existence of the crown.

Space, line, form, light, color, texture, pattern, balancing these 7 basic elements can result to desired interior designed space. Above this is the covid 19 that has to be considered for designing interior spaces.

Keeping in mind the designed interior spaces promotes wellbeing; the ambience has to be safe and tranquil.  Let’s talk about the safety factor first, few critical additions are encouraged like hand sanitizers, sanitizer booths at entry points. Restricting outdoor shoes into interior space can be a simple gesture to maintain the safe environment. Touchless practices encourage Smart gadgets, sensor fittings may it be doors, lights, bathroom fixtures. Though humans are social and prefer connection, contactless activities are strengthened.

Well ventilated interior spaces help to maintain this atmosphere, green plants with air purifying properties are increasingly used. Even electric air purifiers help a lot, but a good quality air purifier are not easy on the pocket. Air-conditioned interior space should have a fresh air circulation within a span of 3-4 hours intervals.

The interior surfaces are encouraged to be bacteria and virus free. Moist surfaces are discouraged as it helps in growth of these nasty creatures.

The line forms are suggested to be kept simple geometry and not choose busy lines and patterns. With the new evolving virus, people are already stressed, the soothing line forms should calm all senses.

A lot of natural light should be harnessed. This again builds for the positive psychology. With so much of negativity spreading about the crown, interior space has to cut off all the negative aspects.

Color palette is directed towards soft pastels, more organic colors. Color is the dopamine in interior design. Following the 60-30-10 thumb rule can never go wrong. For example, 60 % area with soft pastels, then 30 % with secondary color, and 10% with accent color. Color is not only about wall paint, here we are focusing on all visible interior surface, furniture, upholstery, rugs, accessories, etc.

With the crown, we are now looking for multi-functional spaces, homes with workspaces, offices with detox corners for meditation, kids’ rooms turned to e-schools

The crown seems to be directing us towards a greener organic space away from the artificial world. Happy space rejuvenates our being, and recharges our souls.

Things to remember while working with 3D developing software

There is a saying “Designers have power to impact society.” The engineers, architects, designers and artists are more responsible to signify outlook of any community, society and nation. From showcasing our culture and tradition to maintaining the class and standard, creativity and art were always there. It has been present since the very beginning of our civilization. But now we gave a perfect recognition for this art known as Interior Designing.

Interior designing is a form of art and science. A group of creative people called interior designers are working hard to create new, innovative and trendy designs every day.  With growing technology and various software, it has been helpful to create and showcase designs. With all those 3D realistic renders and camera movements, design presentations have improved a lot better than past few years. Thanks to all those software and technologies.

But everything has its bright and dark side. Superior quality 3D renderings with help of software are probably a bright side in interior designing. It helped a lot in visual presentations making designer confident on there design and understandable to clients as well. But talking about its darker side, designers are so into the software and its pre-determined models of furniture and designs that they are fond of using those models frequently. Working on already available 3D models frequently might cause lacking of imagining capacity of designers. Mainly fresh designers are very fond of working on 3D modelling software. Those software work is so appealing that designers are losing their interest on basic law and rules of design. Designers are more into 3D design rather than 2D drawings, sketches and conceptual drawings. These all are the root of designing method which is necessary to follow. But now a days these basic things came on shadow which will lack designer’s skills. A flowering plant with a strong root will surely flourish for a longer period rather than a stem cut flower decorated inside a beautiful vase which lasts only for few days. So, let’s make our design base stronger and use software and technology to create our own imagination. Let’s not forget the basic norms, standards, principles and laws of designing as an interior designer. Afterall we, the designers carry responsibility to maintain standard of our community and nation.


3D Interior Rendering – A boon for interior designing industry

Today’s world with all the developments in the field of virtual reality as well as interior designing sectors have actually been touched by these modern technology,”3D rendering”. By hand drew perspective sights, as well as hand rendering, is passed as customers are raising making needs for 3D exterior and interior 3D rendering sights that look as genuine as photos taken of the ended-up item. 3D rendering and 3D modeling tools are used by architects and interior designers to make a 3d architectural visualization of their home and interior designs. This is because 3d rendering allows them to create a photorealistic digital picture of their designs by using actual materials/texture like veneer, teak, and laminates to the furniture and wall color using digital color plate of Asian paint and so many products which gives to feel a finished products in the rendering view. With this new technology the architects and interior designers are able to give their work a new dimension to their clients. They have now become capable of having a visual of their finished work by drawing up a model of their designs with the help of 3D software like sketch up, 3ds max etc. that enables them to take a look at the tentative appearance of the finished product. 

Benefits of 3D Rendering for Architects and Interior Designers

  • It is realistic
  • Identification of design flaws
  • Effective communication to the client
  • Opportunities for improvement and modifications
  • Walkthroughs/360 view
  • Assists in Planning and Processing

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